Sufni server statistics page
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Game:Quake III Arena Nemesis
Web Site:
Quote:Have Fun
My Server Name Goes Here - Game Server Stats
Player StatsHistorical StatsGame StatsAward StatsSkins:
Award Stats
Awards List
Best Killer with BFG Infinity
Best Killer with Gauntlet X
Best Killer with Grenade Launcher Angelina Jolie
Best Killer with Lightning gun Infinity
Best Killer with Machine gun Infinity
Best Killer with Plasma gun robot60ld
Best Killer with Rail gun Infinity
Best Killer with Rocket Launcher Infinity
Best Killer with Shot gun viebu
Best Killer with Telefrag Infinity
Haste Hog Jaszka
Mega Slut Infinity
Quad Whore Jaszka
Regen Romper flak
Best Efficiency Infinity
Best Killer Infinity
Highest Kill Streak Infinity
Award Listing for Best efficiency (top 50)
#Player Name Kills   Deaths   Efficiency 
1Infinity1449 586 0.7117
2Ka6a4ek1702 1139 0.5989
3-(o_o)-5591 4071 0.5786
4Danger1005 747 0.5733
5Mich@el*PL*1000 799 0.5556
6Jaszka530 451 0.5397
7DEN_RUSSIA2987 2682 0.5268
8DEADPOOL1205 1124 0.5172
9Zabey1158 1092 0.5144
10viebu1344 1332 0.5021
11flak1238 1274 0.4926
12Kuki486 508 0.4884
13idiot1437 1594 0.4739
14.273 345 0.4410
15Oleh UA596 800 0.4266
16X768 1050 0.4222
17foru2515 3519 0.4167
18Aleria157 227 0.4078
19EBANbKO303 443 0.4056
20Helga3180 5207 0.3791
21Szuk Pinas (Pinus)222 386 0.3645
22GRACZ108 209 0.3396
23Angelina Jolie247 548 0.3103
24Sarah274 644 0.2982
25robot60ld417 1242 0.2512
 VSP Stats Processor © 2004-2005 by Myrddin     modified by WaspBeast for the Q3 and OA E+ Communities
 Theme : Bismarck by Myrddin   ExcessivePlus Community version 0.45-xp-1.1.2, last updated @ 2025-02-18 00:10:01 skin : fest by fest 
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